Kodi chotenthetsera cha defrost tubular ndi chiyani ndipo ntchito zake ndi zotani?

The defrost tubular heater ndi gawo la firiji kapena mufiriji yomwe imachotsa chisanu kapena ayezi kuchokera ku koyilo ya evaporator. The defrosting heater chubu imathandizira kuti zida zamagetsi ziziyenda bwino komanso zimalepheretsa madzi oundana ambiri, zomwe zingalepheretse kuzirala. Chotenthetsera cha Defrost nthawi zambiri chimagwiritsa ntchito kukana kwamagetsi kutulutsa kutentha, komwe kumagwiritsidwa ntchito kusungunula chisanu kapena ayezi pa koyilo. Kenako ayezi wosungunukawo amachotsedwa m’chiwiyacho. Ponseponse, chotenthetsera cha defrost ndichofunikira kuwonetsetsa kuti firiji kapena firiji imagwira ntchito bwino ndikusunga kutentha koyenera.

defrost Kutentha chubu

Chotenthetsera chotenthetsera chimagwiritsidwa ntchito kuteteza firiji kuzizira ndipo imayendetsedwa ndi thermostat. M'nyengo yoziziritsa, chotenthetsera cha defrost chimasungunula chisanu pa zipsepse za evaporator.

JINGWEI chotenthetsera ndi katswiri wopanga kudulira, zinthu zomwe tili nazo zotenthetsera chubu, choyatsira ng'anjo, chotenthetsera chotenthetsera, pad yotenthetsera ya silicone, chowotcha cha crankcase, choyatsira chotenthetsera ndi waya wina wa silicone.

Ngati muli ndi chidwi ndi chinthu chathu chotenthetsera, mutha kutitumizira uthenga mwachindunji!

Othandizira: Amiee Zhang

Email: info@benoelectric.com

Wechat: +86 15268490327

WhatsApp: +86 15268490327

Skype: amiee19940314

Nthawi yotumiza: Apr-08-2024