Infrared Ceramic Heater

  • 245X60mm Infrared Ceramic Heater Panel

    245X60mm Infrared Ceramic Heater Panel

    Ceramic infrared heat plate radiator imaponyedwera ndi njira yopangira dzenje, ndipo mpweya umagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati zida zotchinjiriza kutentha pakati pa mlengalenga ndi kumbuyo. Poyerekeza ndi radiator yolimba, nthawi yotenthetsera imafupikitsidwa. The Infrared Ceramic Heater Panel kutentha kwakukulu kogwira ntchito ndi 630 ° C, mphamvu yamagetsi yapakati pamtunda imafika 38.4KW/m², ndipo mphamvu yotenthetsera imachokera ku 60W mpaka 600W.

  • 122mm X 60mm Half Curved Ceramic Panel Heater

    122mm X 60mm Half Curved Ceramic Panel Heater

    1. Infrared Ceramic Panel Heater yokhala ndi thermocouple ingagwiritsidwe ntchito, ndipo thermocouple ikhoza kukhala mtundu wa K ndi mtundu wa J

    2. Angathe kupereka makampani athu apamwamba kwambiri a ceramic ma terminals amagetsi ndi ma terminals azitsulo zosapanga dzimbiri.

    3. Infrared Ceramic Panel Heater ya kukula kwapadera ndi zizindikiro zamagetsi zimatha kusinthidwa malinga ndi zofuna za makasitomala.

  • 220V/230V Infrared Ceramic Heater Heat Element

    220V/230V Infrared Ceramic Heater Heat Element

    1.Infrared Ceramic Heater imatha kusankhidwa ndi thermocouple, thermocouple imatha kusankhidwa mtundu wa K, mtundu wa J

    2.The Infrared Ceramic Heater pad ikhoza kupatsa kampani yathu malo opangira magetsi a ceramic apamwamba kwambiri komanso zitsulo zosapanga dzimbiri zosapanga dzimbiri.

    3.The Infrared Ceramic Heater kukula kwapadera ndi zizindikiro zamagetsi zimatha kusinthidwa malinga ndi zofuna za makasitomala.

  • Magetsi a Ceramic Heater Plate

    Magetsi a Ceramic Heater Plate

    The Infrared Ceramic Heater Plate kukula tili ndi 60 * 60mm, 120mmx60mm, 122mmx60mm, 120mm * 120mm, 122mm * 122mm, 240mm * 60mm, 245mm * 60mm, ndi zina zotero.